Reflections for 2019 (#4): Traversing the Unknown


As of late, I have contemplating the importance of the unknown in my life. This whole year has been an epic journey for me (which will all be revealed to you on December 31) and I’ve discovered that an essential part of any journey is facing what you don’t know. Being with it and saying “yes” to it. Heck, the whole reason I am in Hawaii is because I said “yes” to the Universe.

It is so easy to allow ourselves to become overwhelmed by what we don’t know, stressed about a future that is not part of our current lived experience. We also dwell on the past. And these events aren’t really known either. They might have already occurred but the human memory experiences what it wants to experience, and our memories are incredibly malleable. So, what is known to us then in our lived experience? The present. The only thing that is certain is the present moment.

The unknown can seem scary but its from this place where everything is created. It is also the space of creation. It is the space in which to experience life.

My adventures today led me down an unknown path to a place unlike any I had ever seen. At sunset, I made it to the Lava Fields-Kings Trail and the beginning of the Hoapili Trail in Wailea-Makena. The energy of this place is unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I decided to sit down and meditate on the beach there and what I can say was that something was happening to me and I really didn’t know what it was. It was happening more on an energetic and spiritual level. Rather than fear it, I invited it in. Gave it space to be. In an area that looked almost like a completely foreign martian land, I invited the unknown into my experience and I can say, it was incredible.

I couldn’t choose just one image for today so I decided to share this sacred area with you in the gallery below.

Remember, everything known was once unknown. Embrace not knowing. Step outside your comfort zone. Surpass your boundaries. And see what life will bring.

Today’s adventures also led me to spend time with some incredible people. But more on that in tomorrow’s post.

With love,