As I honed my spiritual gifts, I began to reflect on my experiences in education and what true leadership means. I witnessed firsthand how outdated leadership models—rooted in control and hierarchy—can create toxic environments. This prompted me to explore a new paradigm of leadership: Being-Centered Leadership, which honors authenticity and the soul essence of each individual.
My doctoral dissertation focused on using astrology as a tool for self-discovery and leadership development. I realized that leadership isn’t just about titles or positions; it’s about creating space for people to be their true selves. When we lead from our essence, we inspire others to do the same, fostering a more compassionate, loving world.
My whole life has been a powerful spiritual journey.
I never doubted for a moment that I am here for a spiritual mission. Although I have definitely doubted the many leaps of faith my guides have required of me along the way! And if you’ve been on a spiritual journey, then you probably know the feeling.
Who I BE in this world is Teacher. And, as a teacher, my heart literally overflows seeing my clients tap into their soul’s purpose and discover who they truly are—at their essence—their Being. And I’m here to bring this new paradigm of Being-Centered Leadership to the planet.
This is my purpose.
To hear more about my journey, check out this episode of my podcast.