Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life
Fostering a Fifth-Dimensional Mindset and a New You
Right now, we are experiencing a major shift in human consciousness on this planet. People are beginning to hold higher frequencies and states of consciousness in their bodies. This is evident when you look at the quickly changing nature of our world. There is so much happening right now because of massive shifts in energies on the planet and we, as humans, are part of this shift.
This self-paced mini-course is an invitation for you to explore how this shift in energies on this planet is impacting you personally. In it, you will explore the themes of 3rd dimensional existence and what it means to shift our mindsets to be more in alignment with 5th dimensional consciousness.
The Great Awakening
2020 marked a moment in human history where things changed forever. Our ways of being were forever shifted. This was the beginning. We are now in a major moment in human evolution. This is a journey to understanding the greater depths of ourselves. This is the journey that will foster new ways of being in the world.
It’s a journey to fuller versions of ourselves.
This course includes:
Instant access to over 65 minutes of video lecture content designed to help you shift your mindset to experience new frequencies.
Exercises to help you apply concepts and help you practice them in your life.
A guided meditation, affording you an opportunity to connect more fully with yourself and cement in the energies of our changing world.
Course Outline
Introduction: What is a 5th Dimensional Mindset?
Patterns, Conditioned Behaviors, and Trauma
Conscious or Unconscious?
The Way You Wound Up Being
Duality, Truths, and Surrender
Activity 1: A Higher Perspective
Bringing Your Awareness to Everything You Do
The Power of Presence
Activity 2: Where is Your Attention?
The Gift of Triggers
Activity 3: Explore Your Triggers
Adopt the Mindset of the Observer
Presence in Action: Be the Observer
Activity 4: Observe Your Environment
A Toolkit for Your Journey